Root Work Journal - Navigating the Ocean - Volume 1, Issue 2
Penda Smith
My name is Penda Smith and I am a First Wave graduate who is now an MFA Candidate for Poetry at Louisiana State University. I submit to this journal because of its reach past this world in search of a world where Black folks survive, while interrogating structural institutions that neccesiate Black death.
This poem is inspired by Christina Sharpe's In the Wake: On Blackness and Being and Zong! by M NourbeSe Phillip. I am remembering this summer's protest against police brutality and in conjunction with Sharpe's theory on atemporality, I merge being on the streets with Zong!s incantations of Translatlantic Slavery. This poem is the genesis of what I hope to be a litany of interrogations that explores the nuances around holding, the hold, and held.
what the ship could not hold
we are talking about love & its relation to possession;
you read me an excerpt from a book; love is not possessed
nor is it possession; is love then dispossesion; an act of
refusal; a refusing of ownership, property, cargo;
enslaved africans held inside
of the ship’s hold; feeling touch and touching feeling;
the creole word for women lovers is mati; she who
survived the middle passage with me; she who rollicked
who bled who oozed who moaned; but can
property exchange a quick glance; can property
swelter in heat with other property; can property
desire another property
she who refused with me; can property refuse;
then there is no property; then there are holes
inside of the hold; there is a refusal happening,
i say, as you hold me; space is realizing me,
i whisper; the liquid in me reaches the liquid in you;
there is a resistance against subjectivity;
i moan, my mouth refusing yours;