Root Work Journal - Convening in the Ark - Volume 1, Issue 1
for the dehydrated
alaina knox
Radical Well-Being Center
In a world where we are encouraged to perform wellness 'fake it til we make it' this meditation invites you make space for the unspoken childlike desire to be wholly accepted and loved.
I hate that I am so easily impressed
I don’t have enough experience with acceptance to play hard to get
My spirit thirst for community
To be witnessed
I understand why being unbothered is so captivating
But I cannot feel droplets of affection and pretend to not want more
We are taught to value the chase
We are trained to romanticize being preyed on
but some of us cannot run because we are dehydrated
and we hate ourselves for it
This is a guided meditation for the thirsty
For those of us rendered invisible for so long that simple acts of kindness can trigger us in ways that society doesn’t empathize with
We get caught in the feed one part of yourself while starving the other cycle
Trapped between decisions that force us to abandon one part of ourselves for the other
The guilt we end up feeling from self abandonment can drown us
We daydream about what we would do if we had more access
Then how we can change ourselves to gain more access
Before we know it our thoughts are consumed with regret
wishing we were something else
wishing we had more self control
You are not broken for seeing the ways this system doesn’t accomadate you
And wanting more
All creation is born from a place of recognizing whats missing
You are not the negative vibe
We all need connection to survive
We must be fed
But we also must be caught
In human hands
Our heads must be held until we gain control of our necks
We do not all have the same access to the care we need to thrive
It is okay to want attention
You do not owe the world a demonstration of self love
Your wants do not exist to test your ability to discipline yourself
You are whole even when you need to hear someone else’s voice say it
Having contradicting needs does make you bad
Shift as many times as you need to
You deserve comfort
You deserve rest
When you cannot touch joy
Reach for relief from guilt
You belong here
Even when systems don’t confirm that
You deserve care
You deserve relationships with people who care about the way they make you feel
You deserve consistency
You deserve community
You deserve language to describe your experience
May we be able to hold multiple truths